Li LiuYang 李 浏 洋

Flapping1 在拍打1
Types: Sound Installation
Location: Henan, China
Material: Electronic Welcome Machine / Custom Sound
Size: 2.4m x 10m x 4m (size variation)
Time: May 2016
"Leaves are flapping", the words in the artwork from my grandfather, the words summed up a state of blowing leaves. Dissociating the realistic presentation of the movement of the wind and the sound of leaves flapping, but generating a concept in people’s mind through the mechanical reproduction collection. From another aspect, my grandfather, a man nearly one hundred years old, is a farmer who really come from nature and rely on it, his life pattern has similarities in essence with "leaves are flapping", especially at the end of life, of the country, the elderly left in the countryside repeat the lonely experience every day and waiting for death, my grandfather is one of them. I create this piece of work to let him participate in my art creation, with his voice as the main body to interpret his life and his relationship with nature.