Li LiuYang 李 浏 洋
Flapping 3 在拍打 3
Location: South Korea Incheon near the sea
Material: Raft Amplifier PA Systems
Size: 2m * 2m Quantity 2 (Size variable)
Time: July 2017

The relationship between peasants and land is like the relationship between fishermen and the sea. The land and the sea nurture the people, tell the story of the vicissitudes of life. Fishermen go to sea, cast the net, close the net, return home, over and over again, sometimes nothing, and sometimes full of return. The fishermen living here are repeating this kind of labor and life for thousands of years, as the beat of waves and never stop. It is the energy of the sea for the endless beat of waves, and the sea passes the energy to the fishermen.
I extracted these words of "Waves are lapping" , explaining by an old fisherman. I will make two rafts with high-intensity loudspeakers, one plays "Leaves are flapping", another plays "Waves are lapping", the two rafts will be carried to the depths of the sea to play using fishing boats, so that the two voices can be free to float in the depths of the sea. Put the description of the natural movement in this movement, the two voices will be repeated over and over again with the beat of waves. Although the origins of the two voices are thousands of miles, the things that they described are different, their essences is connected. And they seem to be talking, meanwhile, they are talking to nature and talking to life. This dialogue is a kind of description, inquiry and reflection.
Facing the sea of such a space, these two voices put into the sea, seem particularly small and meaningless, it is in the face of this meaningless that we can ask the true meaning of life.
Leaves are flapping
Waves are lapping